Preparándonos para este gran Evento sobre Pensamiento Sistémico!

“Without systems thinking skills, it is impossible to effectively lead, set direction and execute in senior executive roles across most industries. Too many leaders, unfortunately, have emerged with well-developed left brain thinking methods of management, but underdeveloped right brain, holistic thinking leadership abilities. Is this dominance of left brain thinking a result of our schools and our training and development programs, or is this inherent? If it is not inherent, then there are few greater areas of leverage for innovation in education than by developing systems thinking skills with kids starting from a young age!”

July 21-25, 2011
Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ

July in Tucson can mean only one thing—it’s time for summer camp, of course. Come to Camp Snowball—Building Our Capacity to Shape the Future. (The title will make sense, really!) It’s time to scale up the efforts to embed systems thinking and sustainability in education. The kids need it, schools need it, communities need it, the world needs it.

And we´ll have fun doing it

Camp Snowball is a summer “camp” experience that brings together students, parents, educators, and business and community leaders to build everyone’s capacity for learning and leading in the 21st century. Teams and individuals from school systems and communities around the world are invited to learn how to enable youth to develop into “systems citizens.”

Systems Citizens are members of a glocal community who strive to understand the complexities of today’s world and have the informed capacity to make a difference.




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